Towards an Equal Hue – in conversation with Sharda Ugra and Rafaelle Nicholson on women’s cricket

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Sports Law & Policy Symposium 2021

The Sports Law & Policy Symposium 2021 focused on women’s cricket and gender issues in sport and in particular The Equal Hue Project, which aims to chart the way forward for women’s cricket in India. This year’s Keynote Session was held in collaboration with the Bangalore International Centre (BIC). The Keynote Session focused on the issues and challenges surrounding women’s cricket in India, the reforms required to develop the women’s game and the relevance of these to the sports movement in the country.

The speakers discussed the history of the governance structures of the women’s game, how women’s cricket has grown in the UK in comparison to India, the commercial issues surrounding the sport and the way forward in India.

Sharda Ugra: Sports Journalist
Rafaelle Nicholson: Senior Lecturer in Sport and Sustainability, Bournemouth University
Nandan Kamath: Principal, LawNK and Managing Trustee, GoSports Foundation

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